Three's Company

My brother-in-law and his roommates just moved into a new place and they decided that they needed some "family" pictures to decorate it with...hence, these pictures. This was a blast!!! as I'm sure anyone can tell... thanks guys, I hope you like the finished product :)


Ashley said...

Ash where is that FANTASTIC bridge???? Seriously I love it!!!

ps that is a funny photo shoot I must say!! But some amazing shots girl.

Ivy said...

OH MY FREAKING FUNNY! But way good photo's - good job :)

Unknown said...

I don't even know what to say about favorite is either Justin eating the flower because it follows Travis and Todd trying to be all feminine...then the one where you guys are frollicking and holding hands really made me laugh. Man!

Ashley said...

haha these are so so funny!!!!! LOVE the last couple pictures!!! :) cute boys.